12 Thoughts You Have When Spending Money at College

Just because you’re in college doesn’t mean you stop spending money; if anything the complete opposite happens. The cost of textbooks, clothes, groceries, and other college expenses can add up quickly so college students are


Thoughts Everyone Has Their First Week of College

Day 1: “I miss home.” The time after you say goodbye to your family is the weirdest and saddest part of move-in day, especially for those without roommates. It’s fun starting a new chapter of your


25 Thoughts While Being The Sober Friend

Part of being in a friend group means that once in a while, you’re going to have to be the sober and responsible one for a night out. Everyone secretly hates it, but when your


Why Men And Women Think Differently.

It’s no secret that men and women have always had difficulty fully understanding each other. But no one puts it better than International marriage speaker and comedian Mark Gungor. Remember, FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM—> HERE