Ten Reasons Why Bad Texters Are Such Turnoffs

We have all been the bad texter, or have messaged the bad texter. When dealing with a bad texter, you have two options…

A.) Use blood, sweat, and tears to keep the conversation going.


B.) Good riddance! You are a turn off, my (old) friend…

10. K. Ok. Alright. Cool. Fine.

One word replies are just annoying. Nobody in the real world talks like that. Honestly if you want me to never talk to you again, text me K, and we’ve got a deal. K. Bye.


9. You have a voice. Use it.

Everybody is unique because they have their own personality that makes them distinct. When we text, I guarantee you the conversation will be 3,000,000,000,000 X better if you speak how you do in the real world. Showcase your personality, if not, I will think your text personality is your actual personality. Hate to break it to you, but it is dull.

If only everybody showed their true voice…

8. No, I do not want to play the question game

Believe it or not, I know what you really want to ask me. Shocker, huh? And, TBH, it makes you sound like a creeper. We can get to know each other in more subtle ways, you know?


7. No Emogis? Are you trying to tell me something?

I would like to know if you are smiling or frowning or feel like a cat with tears coming out of your eyes. I mean, this is what technology is now. The person you text can practically see your facial expression in a little animation, so you don’t sound like a serious person ALL OF THE TIME!

When BAE doesn’t use an emogi


6. Are you actually laughing out loud?

Okay, I know I am funny, but I am not that hilarious. You can use LOL, but no need to overuse it.

5. Same thing with OMG

I know what I said is important, but once again, no need to overuse it.



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