A Thank You Letter to my Sorority Sisters

To my lovely sisters:
I’m not the same person I was before I joined this sorority. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true. I was quiet, unsure of myself, smart but shy. I didn’t believe that my ideas were important or that I could make a difference.
I’m not different because I feel like I have to be a certain person or fit into a certain category.  I’m different because I feel like I can finally be myself, and the best version of myself.
And I have each and every one of you, my sorority sisters, and our sisterhood as a whole, to thank for this.
I have the privilege to be a part of a chapter that embraces everyone’s differences and loves them for it. You all laugh with me, not at me, when I do or say something goofy.  I know that when I’m extra hard on myself, which happens often, you’re all there to reassure me that you love me.
And that’s exactly it. The amount of love I have for my sisters, and the love they give back to me, gives me the confidence that allows me to strive for greatness. Our sorority’s motto is “Aim High” and although we need to find that drive within ourselves, to have sisters like you to encourage me is a support system like no other.
To my sisters: you’ve seen me at my absolute worst, at my very best, and you love me just the same. That is so amazing to me. You make college a home for me. Who knows where I would be if I didn’t find our sisterhood?
To our alumni, you were the women who brought me into this chapter and the women who built this chapter to the way it is today. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself, and something this life-changing.
I don’t think I can say it enough, but thank you. Thank you for letting me be me. Thank you for allowing me to grow. Thank you for the fun times and endless laughs. Thank you for being women of honor and for your philanthropic actions.  Thank you for the good times, the bad times and everything in between.
Thank you for simultaneously being my role models and my best friends. I can’t wait for the memories to come with you all by my side.
Lots of Love,

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