The 5 Most Satisfying Types Of Sex College Students Have

Sex, sex, sex. We all love sex. But there are cer­tain types of sex that are FAR more grat­i­fy­ing than your stan­dard 20-minute long mis­sion­ary posi­tion with your long-term girl­friend. Here are the 5 most sat­is­fy­ing types of sex you will ever have, whether you care to admit it or not.

Arti­cle VIA our Friends at , make sure you check them out!

We don’t mean the time that you lost your vir­gin­ity, because we all know that was awful sex. But after you’ve taught your­self a few moves and finally feel con­fi­dent that you know what you’re doing under the sheets, first time sex with your new part­ner feels incred­i­ble. It can be awk­ward and ner­vous at first, but once you dig in and find your rhythm every­thing falls into place. Sparks fly, birds are singing out­side your bed­room win­dow, and it lasts longer than 10 min­utes. Justice!

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Makeup sex is up there with the best of them. There’s no bet­ter way to close an argu­ment with your girl­friend or boyfriend than by dirty, rough makeup sex. You’re still angry and hate your part­ner a lit­tle bit because you’re still mad about what­ever it was you were argu­ing about, and all this added feroc­ity boils into a beau­ti­ful con­coc­tion of unbe­liev­able makeup sex. If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and need to spice things up in the bed­room, start a silly argu­ment for the sake of it, so you can jump into makeup sex later.

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Revenge sex is an awful and spite­ful thing to do, but at the time you’re doing it, it does feel incred­i­ble. Because let’s face it, you’re doing it for a rea­son. You may be doing it to get back at some­one who wronged you, and you may feel like an awful human being once that nut is busted, but when that Mar­vin Gaye music is ring­ing in your ears and you’re doing the no pants dance, that’s the last thing on your mind. Who ever said that revenge wasn’t sweet?

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Okay, marathon sex is just the best. There’s no bet­ter way to explore your partner’s needs and fig­ure out what they like best, then to go at it two, three, or even four times in a row. Prac­tice makes per­fect, and boy you’re get­ting a whole lot of prac­tice! Just make sure you have a whole lot of flu­ids on standby to pre­vent you from shriv­el­ing up (in more ways than one) and suf­fer­ing with dehy­dra­tion. In the midst of marathon sex, you think of your­self as the Dura­cell bunny. Invin­ci­ble. Go get ‘em tiger.

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Secret sex is so so sat­is­fy­ing because, like Mon­ica and Chan­dler out of Friends, hav­ing to hide your sex­ual rela­tion­ship makes it all the more fun and sexy. Whether it’s because you’re cheat­ing on your friend’s part­ner, hid­ing them from your dis­ap­prov­ing par­ents or just sneak­ing around for the fun of it, secret sex is like Christ­mas to those dirty thrill seek­ers. Enjoy it while you can though, because you’ll always get caught in the end.

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