The 10 Stages Of The Friend-Zone

The Friend Zone: a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other. We have all been in this situation before, where you start falling for your best friend of the opposite sex. Your emotions during this time are on a roller coaster- one moment you’re happily crushing on your friend, and then they can be nerve-wrecking if you are unsure if your friend’s feelings are mutual. Although everyone’s friend-zone situation can be different, we all experience similar stages during this period.

Here are the 10 stages of the friend zone.

10. Everything’s going great, you guys are the best of friends

You and your friend are a match made in heaven. It’s great to have someone of the opposite sex that you totally don’t have feelings for. You guys regularly have movie nights, go out to the bar together and tell each other about recent hook-ups.

9. Then all of a sudden you realize something-Oh…shit I like you

It hits you like an oncoming truck. One moment you guys are just friends, and the next moment you think about taking your friend to pound-town.

8. At first you try to deny it

You convince yourself it’s just a phase. Maybe your friend just looks especially attractive today? Maybe you’re running a fever and are becoming delirious? But that’s just absurd, that you’re crushing on your best friend.

7. Then you come to terms with it

After a lot of denial and probably s0me drinks, you face the facts-you’re slowly falling for your best friend and nothing can stop these feelings.


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