The Endless Struggles Of Being A Girl Who Thinks Like A Guy (2)

Thinking like a man isn’t as simple as liking football or drinking beer.

Thinking like a man is a mindset that dictates the way you navigate life.

Often when around my female friends, I feel like the odd one out, and now I’m in a place where I embrace that. I’m the enigma. My friends find me interesting and revel in trying to feminise me, but at times it proves difficult. While they spent hours getting ready, painting nails, drinking wine and listening to Katy Perry, I find myself awkwardly stood in the kitchen getting intoxicated at an embarrassingly fast rate.

The issue isn’t just with nights out either; it can be something as simple as a conversation.The thought of discussing emotions makes my stomach churn. This is an issue that I face mostly with females; an innocent conversation will turn into a serious one, and at this point I’m massively out of my depth.

When I’m around my male friends, I don’t feel the need to fit in or act male because I’m already in that natural mindset. I can maintain the little amount of femininity I have and feel completely at ease in their company. I’m one of them and it feels great… until I realise that I’ve literally friend-zoned myself to literally every man I’ve ever

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