The Fear of Missing Out: A Tragedy

FOMO: the fear of missing out.

When you’re experiencing FOMO your thoughts might sound something like this…

9. Aw I wish I was with everyone right now, but it’ll be ok, just another typical weekend I doubt I’ll miss anything.

8. Wait that picture is so cute… Can I photoshop myself in orrrr?

7. Okay I hope nothing good happens without me there, that would be a tragedy and a half.

6. And let the FOMO kick in. I want to be there ughhhhh.

5. Oooh (insert name here) just texted me, maybe she’s going to tell me how horrible her night is.

4. Or how awesome it is… yup she’s lovin’ life right now.

3. (Insert name here) DID WHAT! I WISH I WAS THERE TO SEE THIS!!

2. Well, there’s always next weekend.

1. Until then, the FOMO is very real.

The fear of missing out will always win. There’s no way around it.

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