The Perks of Having Your Mom As Your Best Friend

Growing up, I’ve always been super close with my mom. As any mother-daughter duo, we’ve obviously had our ups and downs but through it all there’s no one else I would have rather gone through it with. People who can consider their mothers as their best friend are extremely fortunate because there’s no other person in the world who comes close to your mom. Not only do they provide you with the nurture and protection that you need, but by being a friend, they fill a whole other position. They’re the ones who will be there through the laughs, the tears, the times of fear and apprehension, and the times of success and failure. Your friendship with your mom will be one of the only friendships that doesn’t end for stupid reasons, wither away overnight, or become threatened by the presence of other people.


Being best friends with your mom allows you access to a judgment-free form of expressing your emotions and venting about the things in your current life. You know she won’t judge you, but you also know that she’ll give you genuine and real advice. You don’t have to worry about her own selfish desires clouding her judgment over situations you need help with like other friends may exhibit because she truly wants what is best for you, even if it means her sacrificing her own happiness.





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