To the Best Friend that Replaced Me With Her Boyfriend

Dear Best friend,

It’s always been me and you. Every birthday, every bad day, every happy moment; you were right by my side through it all. And I had expected that our friendship would always be this way- completely inseparable. As my best friend, you had always been one of my top priorities. I would have crossed oceans for you if you needed me to. So nothing was sadder than realizing that I no longer held that same place in your life.

At the beginning, I knew that he made you happy, and that was all I ever wanted for you. You deserve someone that would go to the ends of the Earth for you, and I was happy as long as you were. He would take up some of your time now, and that was okay. So, I waited for the honeymoon phase to end, when you would learn how to better manage your time, and you and I would enjoy our times together as we always had.

It took a few harsh realizations to understand that, although when things went wrong and I needed someone by my side, I would call you, but when you needed someone, I was no longer the first one that you would call. A friendship that I thought had been so important, wasn’t so important to you anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that he deserves a lot of your time. I want you two to love each other until you’re blue in the face. But I know that there is a difference between love, and monopolizing your life- and I wish you understood.

I fear the day that something happens, and you don’t have the confidant, friend, and partner-in-crime that you have in him now. If the day comes that he breaks your heart, I want you to know that I will always be here for you. But I also want you to know that there will always be a part of me that will be hurt by the place that was so easily removed from your life, and replaced with someone you deemed more important of your time.

Until then, i miss you.

Your old best friend.

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