Trends You Don’t Want to be Caught in This Summer

1. Over­alls– Ladies this look works if you’re still in ele­men­tary school and that is the ONLY time they work. Skip the over­alls and just wear shorts, or even a cute romper instead.

2. The fedora– It’s just not cute..ever. Go for the base­ball cap or floppy hat instead.

3. Drop waist pants– These pants are hit or miss. But usu­ally miss. You’ll have bet­ter luck in some­thing some­what high wasted.

4. The “Jesus” san­dal– Lately I have seen one too many teenage/early 20s girls wear­ing these things. They aren’t cute and are usu­ally worn by those who lack fash­ion sense and/or are over the age of 65. They will never be cute no mat­ter how much you try, so skip them and go for some glad­i­a­tor sandals.

5. The Flat­form shoe– These are quite pos­si­bly the clunki­est, ugli­est shoes around that are unfor­tu­nately back on the mar­ket. Also, since these shoes have a straight across plat­form (and no heel) you are just beg­ging to have some sore feet after wear­ing these shoes. Wedges are much more com­fort­able and look 100 times better.

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