What It’s Like to be The Single Friend (2)

5. Going out sucks. You basically start to decline invites because you already know you’re going to end up being the odd one out.


4. You get slightly depressed when thinking about how long you’ll probably be alone and what color your cane is going to be when you walk down the aisle.


3. The number one lie the single friend will tell is how absolutely fabulous being single actually is. No one to hold you down, no rules, blah blah blah. But, they always forget to mention things like no one to cuddle with, no cute dates, or just being “in love.”


2. Reevaluating your life becomes a regular activity. There’s a mental list you’ve created of why things don’t work out in your relationships and what you need to change to find your one true love (LOL).


1. After so long you dramatically come to the terms that no one wants you and you’ll be alone watching Netflix forever. Then you accept it and realize it’s not that bad, for now anyway.


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