What Your Sleep Position Really Says About You (2)

10) The Spoon Position

This position shows that your partner takes a protective stance in your relationship. The Author of Success Signals, A Guide to Reading Body Language, Patti Wood, says that position, though is sweet, but is also vulnerable as it’s sexual. But it also says, “I trust you”. This position is taken up mostly in new relationships rather than older ones.


9) The Loose Spoon Position

Couples, who had been a big fan of spooning during the initial stages of their relationship, tend to get to this position, when their relationship matures. This position conveys that, “I am there for you, and you can always count on me”.


8) The Tangle Position

This is an extremely intimate position, wherein partners are intertwined, and mostly this position is taken up at the starting of an intense and emotional relationship. Although some couples maintain this throughout their relationship, which may or may not be a good thing. The dependency on each other is too high, if you are sleeping in this position. You simply cannot get enough of each other.


7) The Unraveling Knot Position

This position starts with tangling up, and then you guys may unravel that knot after some 10- 15 minutes. This position is much more healthier than the tangle position. An amazing balance of intimacy and independence is achieved in this position, which helps you grow in your relationship as a couple, and also gives you sense of individuality and independence.


6) The Chasing Position

This is quite similar to the spooning, but here, one partner is in pursuit of another. One partner has drifted to one side of the bed, and the other is still wanting to chase and remain connected.



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