Why Getting an Internship in College Changes Your Life (3)

Despite the paragraph above, it was humbling. Getting hands-on experience allows you to relate your coursework back to how things worked at your internship. You’re able to further understand what your professor is teaching you and determine the differences in how certain organizations operate.


Most organization hire their interns. I was told that even before applying anywhere. Getting to work for someone and establish yourself as a trusted employee keeps your name in their mind. When your application pops up or you simply inquire about a job you’ll be remembered.


There is something else an internship can do for you that I didn’t expect at first. Working in an office introduced me to a lot of older, more experienced people. I made friends with some of these people and bonded with them outside of the office. Instead of watching adults exist on shows like “Parks and Rec” or “The Office”, I was able to experience it first hand. No matter how naive that sounds, it let me embrace what could happen when I graduate and have to be a real person. And If I end up like any of the adults at the Herald I’d be content.

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