Why I Am Not Your ‘Netflix and Chill’ Girl (2)

And I know you think you’re being kind of discreet by sending this, leaving enough room for me to infer what ‘chill’ means but leaving enough mystery that it makes me wonder what exactly your intentions are. Don’t worry though, I’m not as ignorant as you think I am. If you weren’t looking to slide into at least second base, we wouldn’t be deciding what movie to watch on your couch, but which restaurant we would be having actual conversations in. I’m sorry to inform you that you’re going to need to work a little harder.

There used to be a time that girls required more respect from guys that they made time for, and didn’t make exceptions for guys that only wanted in their pants for the night. I wonder when guys started considering women conquests, and when women lowered their standards so far that a 2am “come over” text is enough to get you in someone else’s bed.

So you asked me if I wanted to come ‘Netflix and chill’ and I realized that you are just a part of the problem: you’re just another boy that sees women an objects and not someone worthy of your time and energy. As enticing as it is, I’m not going to sell myself short, convincing myself that I am only worth a couch cushion, a quick hookup and a night sitting by the phone after I leave.

I’m all for a dinner date, and I’m even independent enough to pay for my own meal. I would gladly say yes to a trip to the zoo or the beach or a movie theatre where we can talk about our favorite songs and our extensive family tree and what we think our futures will look like ten years down the road. I would be happy to let you open my car door and kiss me goodnight.


But no, I’m sorry, I will not come ‘Netflix and chill’ with you.

Best wishes,

A girl with higher standards

Hey, guys!
My name is Haley, and I’m a college student in Lakeland Florida! My hometown is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I was born and raised. I’m obsessed with good coffee, Gossip Girl, and artsy Instagram pictures. I have a passion for people, missionary work, and Taylor Swift. I also have a really bad habit of thinking that I’m hilarious when I’m not.

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