Why I Hate New Years

10. All the parties make me want to gag. They’re never the ‘have fun and laugh with your friends’ parties, they’re more like the ‘come spend hours with all the douche bags from high school’ parties.

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9. The pressure to kiss someone at the very second the new year begins is atrocious, especially for single people. Not only does it remind you of how single you truly are, it also invites random strangers to believe it is acceptable to snatch you up and smack their lips against yours. No, don’t touch me.


8. Everyone feels the need to stroll down memory lane. The whole year has to be recapped and blasted across social media for the world to see as if anyone cares. The worst part is that people bring up stuff you’ve been trying your hardest to forget all year.


7. On the flip side, people pretend that certain things didn’t happen. Just because the year changes it doesn’t mean there is a clean slate of your past and you transform into a perfect person. There is no reset button on life. If you were a slut then, you’re a slut now. Don’t worry, I’m not “shaming” you.


6. The absurd amount of fakeness. Suddenly, the majority of the population is a completely different person than they were last week. All the “New year, new me.” BS is too much for me to handle. Luckily, it only last for about a month.




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