Top Colleges Where The Class of 2019 Is Most Excited To Attend We’re known for our college rankings. If you go to our Campus Life section on our website and click the College Rankings category, you know by now we’ve done every ranking you could possibly imagine. Whether it was rankings the Top Party Schools or rankings the Hottest Girls, or ranking the colleges with the Smartest Students , we’ve done it all. Now it’s time to rank the colleges where the Class of 2019 is most excited to attend their future college for the next 4 years! With high school seniors deciding which college they will be attending in the Fall of 2015, it’s time to rank which colleges high school seniors are most excited to attend!

To figure out this ranking, we researched the following:

1) How many applicants a given college has had

2) How many people have tweeted using a hashtag for their college

3) How many people have quickly joined a class of 2019 FB group/the interaction of students in those groups

210. Longwood University

209. Yale University

208. Worcester State University

207. Vassar College

206. Western Carolina University

205. Washington University in St. Louis

204. Virginia Commonwealth University

203. Villanova University

202. Western Kentucky University

201. Xavier University

200. Valporaiso Univesity

199. UNLV

198. Boise State

197. Arkansas State

196. Bentley University

195. Bucknell University

194. Cal Poly Pomona

193. Central Michigan University

192. Christopher Newport University

191. Colgate University

190. College of William & Mary

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