10 Christmas Words That Had Different Meanings in Childhood

Admit it: Christmas has changed. It used to be that Christmas was this big thing that you anticipated every single day following Thanksgiving. Now we’re coming off of finals and the only thing on our minds is sleep and home-cooked foods. What else has changed? Let’s take a look.



Then: Going around the neighborhood singing songs to all the families

Now: Being forced to sing outdated songs instead of watching Netflix



Then: The greatest man on the planet that will bring you presents as long as you’re good

Now: Some old guy in the mall wearing red and definitely isn’t paid enough for this


“Cookies”                                                                                              ChristmasCookies

Then: Delicious mouthfuls that literally taste like Christmas




Then: A fluffy, white powder that falls from the sky and makes Christmas perfect

Now: The bane of your existence as shoveling and cleaning off the car takes 45 minutes


“Presents” presents

Then: New toys or games or anything that can be played with for hours

Now: Something you have to get for people who never want anything. Anything.


“Christmas Eve” eve

Then: Waiting the excruitating 24 hours until the big day comes

Now: Buying everything you can since stores close and the 26th isn’t a great idea


“Movies” movies

Then: A Charlie Brown Christmas everyday until it isn’t on for another year

Now: Seeing the same films from your childhood but seeing the innuendos this time


“Lights” lights

Then: Bright bulbs that make the tree look pretty and your house even prettier

Now: Two hours of untangling and fixing that one bulb that blacks out the whole thing


“Eggnog” Holiday Eggnog

Then: A weird mixture of eggs, milk, nutmeg and sugar that strangely tastes good



“Holidays” family

Then: Spending time with the ones you love

Now: Pretty much the same thing


Have a merry Christmas!



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