10 Habits We Know We Shouldn’t have In College

College is a time for everyone to gain individuality and develop habits that will help bolster us through our future occupational and personal lives. Although we are meant to create good and necessary habits, we also produce habits that are detrimental to our productivity. Here are 10 habits we know we shouldn’t have in college, but do them anyway.


10. Binge Drinking

Many students would be considered borderline alcoholics if they were not enrolled in a institution of higher learning. It is seen as a cultural norm to “drink till they blackout,” leading to the the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol.


9. Checking Social Media During Class

Unlike High School, students have access to multiple facets of technology during class and are constantly tempted to deviate from class discussions. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Fantasy Sports or Instagram, we all periodically check updates and temporarily opt out of class conversations.



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