10 Signs You Went To North Carolina State University (3)

5. You understand that bricks are quite slippery when wet.


By slippery I mean absolutely the most close thing to hell on earth possible. Come wet weather, no one is safe.  If anything, having an entire college campus comprise of bricks (literally, every possible nook and cranny has em) has taught us all the value of empathy. If you try to say you have never had a near death experience while walking on N.C State campus when it has recently rained or is raining: you sit on a throne of lies. (Thank you, Buddy the Elf). While most college students would laugh at a trip, stumble, or slip of a peer- those at N.C State come together in solidarity to mourn the loss of many cute outfits, intact and unbruised skin, unbroken noses, and self confidence that have fell victim to the wet bricks.

4. You’ve made barnyard friends during “Ag Week”:


Yes, you read that correctly. Ag Week. As in Agriculture Week. N.C State is one of the top agriculture and veterinary schools in the nation. Our cherished nick name of “Moo-U” by rival schools is quite accurate. For one week each school year, the N.C State community embraces their agricultural foundation during Ag Week located in the center of our campus: the brickyard. It is here that you can sample Howling Cow ice-cream (Yes, our school has its very own ice cream made on campus and hell yes it is delicious), test out the latest John Deere arrivals, hang out with adorable baby animals in the petting area (guys, this is great place to meet sorority women), and even test your hand at some rodeo roping. However; we must not neglect the most signature aspect of this week. The lovely manure smell that permeates the entire brickyard and surrounding areas. It is simply unavoidable and will somehow manage to linger for days after. Truly, Ag week is a magical experience.
