10 Stages of Facebook Creeping

Whatever reason you have, we live in a time where it’s very easy to find someone’s social media trail online. Whether it’s a cute boy or just someone you met once… As long as you know their last name or at least first name and a common friends you’re set. Yes it may be creepy but we all do it, don’t lie.

10. The Profile Picture.

You tell yourself that all you need is to make sure it’s the same person you were thinking of. Congrats, it’s them…. What now? Close the tab and continue on with your life? It’s not that easy.

9. The Status Trails.

This can either go incredibly in terms of entertainment or just be a typical run of the mill social media update about the mundane parts of their life. Oh, you had cereal this morning? Sweet, now give me something interesting to read!


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