10 Struggles of a Concert Lover (2)

8. You also want to go to every free show in NYC or LA (even if you aren’t anywhere near those locations). If you’re like me, you want to go to basically every concert that ever takes place anywhere around the world. If you hear the words free and concert together you immediately freak out until you realize that in order to get there you’d have to drive for hours or take a plane. You’ve probably considered it before, but you know that it doesn’t make sense to spend hundreds of dollars on gas or plane tickets to go to a free show.


7. You need to find friends to commit to going to a show with you. As much as you love your friends, you know that sometimes they don’t always get back to you about things when you need them to. Concerts are one of those things. You want to buy the tickets during the pre-sale, but you need to know how many people are going with you. You may even offer to pay for the tickets all at once so you can all sit together as long as they pay you back. But when they aren’t even committed to going in the first place, it makes it a little hard.




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