10 Struggles Of Being In A “Non-Relationship” Relationship

“How is it going with that guy.” “Oh Todd? I mean we go on dates every Friday, he is all I think about. We are in constant contact, and I met his family for Christmas, but no, he isn’t my boyfriend.” If you have ever caught yourself telling your friends a scenario like this, you’re probably in a non-relationship relationship. Confusing, right? You sort of have claims to each other because you’re not seeing anyone else, but you’re not exactly together either. Here are the struggles that come with every non- title relationship.

10. All your friends will ask what’s going on with him, but you have no response.


9. You’ll run into someone you know and have to figure out an introduction.


8. You don’t even know where the two of you stand. You aren’t quite an item yet, but you are still something.


7. You like not having to define everything, but you also want to know what the heck is going on?!


6. You’ve never laid out rules, so is he seeing other people? Should you be seeing other people too? That’s not cheating, right?


5. Maybe he thinks you’re seeing other people, so now he is questioning if he should too. You might sound possessive though, if you say you’re saving yourself for him.


4. You keep a constant over night bag in your car, because when you’re not his girlfriend,  you can’t move your stuff in his place.


3. You don’t want to text him too much, but you also don’t want him to forget about you!


2. You are constantly fighting the urge to check his social media to see if he is flirting with other girls. Since he isn’t your “boyfriend”, he is allowed to, but you want to know!


1. You must contain your feelings, he is not your boyfriend, do not yell out “I LOVE YOU”. I repeat, do not yell out your feelings. Get a jar and shove them in there!


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