10 Things You Take For Granted In College

10. Your roommates.

Maybe you love your roommates, or maybe you hate them. Usually it’s a bit of both. One thing is for sure, though: you most definitely take them for granted. When you move out/away, you will miss those late night talks, nights out, inside jokes, and little quirks your roommates had (even though they probably annoyed you at the time); you will wonder why the hell you ever complained about getting to just hang out with your friends at basically all times.


College is an experience unlike anything you will experience ever again. The freedom, friends, roommates, classes, stress, it can all seem overwhelming. This makes it much too easy to take it all with a grain of salt and think negatively, but take it from me: you will miss them. Enjoy the college experience for all its worth, and don’t take s single minute for granted!

Featured image via quietthechaos.

Article Originally Appeared on ReadUnwritten.com

Written By: Aliza Vaccher

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