15 Ways Your College Professors Differ From You High School Teachers

Even if you’ve never had a college course, you probably understand that the professors don’t behave exactly like your high school teachers did. The rules are more relaxed, there’s less emphasis on discipline, and they’re far more full of themselves.

Sometimes, the differences are welcome. In other instances, not so much. Either way, you can be sure to have professors who. . .

15. Don’t Care How They Dress

In high school settings, teachers are expected to adhere to a strict dress code, one which presents them as a professional, authoritarian figure. In college, it’s understood that, so long as you’re not showing up to work looking like a hobo, you can be more flexible in your wardrobe choices.

Certain professors truly strive to make the most out of that right.

14. Curse. A Lot.

High school teachers are not one uniform group of people, but they do tend to share certain common traits. Such as their universal fear of profanity. While we probably realize that even the most straight-laced educator wanted to let a few F-bombs fly every now and then, we were always aware that doing so could get them in serious trouble.

Not so in college. The students are adults, and as such, the attitude towards cursing is much less strict. And you will definitely have an instructor who embraces that attitude like a character in a mob film.

13. Love Themselves

Not to knock teachers, but most public school educators aren’t accomplished in their fields. They may be very good at what they do, but they aren’t publishing papers in medical journals on the side.

Your college professors, on the other hand, tend to see themselves as geniuses whose contributions to the world’s knowledge will one day be appreciated. And they will make sure you know it.

12. Act Like Your Friend

The role of a teacher involves distancing yourself from your students on a personal level. You’re supposed to be a powerful figure, not a friend.

In college, that rule goes right out the window. Expect plenty of your professors to treat you like you’re good buddies. Yeah, it’s a little awkward.

11. Cancel Class Regularly

This goes right along with the thinking of themselves as brilliant part. Professors are often too distracted with their own intellectual pursuits to remember to, you know, actually show up to class. You’ll probably appreciate it, though.


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