15 Ways You’ll Spend Every Night In College 3

5. Watching Student Performances

At some point in college, you’ll convince yourself that it might be worth your while to see your fellow students put on a production. After too much partying, you figure you should take a break and enjoy a low-key evening at the campus theatre.
Enjoying these events doesn’t always come easy, though.

4. Working Out

Campus gyms tend to be popular spots – everyone wants to stay in reasonably decent shape at this stage in their life – but on a Friday night, they’re nearly empty, save for the one person who decided to spend a weekend actually practicing healthy habits.
One day during your student years, you will be that person.

3. Awkward Dinner With Parents

Not content to wait around until the next break, your parents will decide to visit you, usually on a Friday night, when you’d much rather be spending your time with literally anyone else. And, of course, they’ll want you to take them out to dinner somewhere local. And, of course, you’ll oblige, hoping you can manage to pick the one place that isn’t packed with your peers that night. Even the classier bars in a college town become popular spots for students once the weekend hits, and finding the safest place to bring your family is a skill and an art.

2. Awkward Dinner With A Date

Dating in college is difficult, especially if your goal is to have a mature, adult relationship. You’ve met someone you like, you want to make a good impression, but you’re both aware of the fact that a typical Friday night as an undergrad usually involves some pretty raucous behavior.
You’ll take your date out to the nicest place in town and try to act like a grown-up, but there will be an awkward tension as you both silently wish you were just partying with each other instead.

1. Sleeping

There is no sleep more enjoyable than the “I just drank many, many shots and danced until sunrise” sleep that you’ll get on some Fridays in college. Enjoy it.

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