20 High School Mistakes College Students Absolutely Regret

Not going to lie, about 95% of my regrets stem back to my high school years. That doesn’t mean you get to make the same ones. High school can be the best years of your life or the worst all in one. It just depends on how you jump into it. Whatever you do, watch out for these regrets most high school graduates have.


20.) Fashion choices
Everybody followed the crowd in high school. I remember I used to wear what everyone was wearing because it was “in style.” You know what? YOU are in style. If I could go back, I’d wear whatever the hell I wanted and not care if people judged!

19.) Being online until one A.M

I cherish my sleep so much now. Sleep does matter when it comes to being focused.


18.) Dating
I know a few people that married their high school sweetheart, and that is totally great for them. I applaud and envy them, because that is difficult! High school boys are way too focused on themselves and their “image” to be loyal. If you come across a super sweet boy in high school, hold onto them! They are hard to find.


17.) Trying too hard
I tried so hard to be popular in high school, but it never worked. When I graduated I really didn’t even know who I was anymore. If you don’t like something don’t pretend you do just to be noticed. I hate Justin Bieber and all my friends were in love with him. I just had to be in on the conversation so I’d force myself to listen to his music. Trust me, it is not worth it.


16.) Not doing your best
I sucked at math, so I wouldn’t even bother to study for it. I bet I could have been good at math if I tried. Always try your best even if you believe you will fail. You may not know it now, but it WILL effect your future.


15.) Holding onto toxic friendships
Those friendships where the people seem more like dictators than friends. That will have an effect on your trust issues when you grow up. Let them go, because if they are true friends, they will come back to you. If not, you’re too fabulous for them anyways.

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