20 Things You Wish You Could Have Told Your Freshman Self

We all have mistakes we’ve made when we were younger. We’d be kidding ourselves if we haven’t. Either way, here are 20 things we probably regret that we should have told our freshman selves.

20. Breaking up with your high school boyfriend or girlfriend isn’t the end of the world. There will be more fish in the sea to crush, cry, get angry, and hook up over.

sad jif

19.  It is okay to have fun.No, your parents will not be there yelling at you telling you not to do this or that. You should have fun and not slave too hard over the books.



18. Don’t party too hard. You have the rest of your lifetime to party but don’t make the rest of your lifetime the time to still be struggling to graduate from school.

drunk(don't party too hard)

17. This year does not determine your whole college experience.Freshman year does not mean that you will be a loner for the rest of the three. You have will have three years of experience.

lost of hope


16. Homesickness is okay.It is okay to miss your parents. Even seniors still do.



15. You have a lot to learn.Freshman year is only the beginning. You aren’t the coolest and brightest person in the school.


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