20 Thoughts Every College Student Has Waking Up For An Early Class



1.“Just ten more minutes”
2.“I can do this I can do this….” ZzZzz
3.“What time is it?”
5.“Maybe I won’t go to class…”
6.“Ehh I really should go…”
7.“Why is this class so early?”
8.“Why’d I choose to take this class?”
9.“I’ll be ready in time”
10.“I’ll make it, I hope”
11.“What time is it again?”
12.“NO WAY”
13.“I am so going to be late”
14.“Where are all my books and shizz?!”
15.“Did I brush my teeth? Did I brush my hair?”
16.“Does it look like I just woke up?”
17.“Am I pretty/handsome enough to go out like this?”
18.“No one look at me!”
19.“I really don’t feel like riding my bike.” “Stupid public transit, making me late!”
20.“Damn it I’m late!”


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