20 Ways to Study for a Test

Not all students learn the same way. Some students are more visual learns, and learn from charts or pictures, while other students learn from formal typed out notes and sentences. Just as students do not learn the same way, students do not study the same way either.

20. Write important facts or terms on index cards. You can easily flip through them in the library or right before the class. 670px-Study-Using-Index-Cards-Step-3

19. Make a PowerPoint, or go over those offered by your professor. They are a good organized way to go over information over and over, and if your professor offers them online you should take advantage of them. The exact information could be on the test! 2085304422_4b7d3387b4

18. Type notes that were originally handwritten, and annotate them. This helps to reprocessing the information.18fc0l1cm9q56jpg

17. Make a Quizlet card set. You can do this online or on your phone, and you can study wherever you go! 640x960

16. Form a study group. Group studying allows for more ideas and more insight. Bibliotheek



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