20 Ways Surviving College Is Basically Like The Show Survivor

We’ve all watched the show Survivor at one point in our lives. As I watched, I constantly wondered how in the world some of these people could do the things they were forced to do. I began to think about the kinds of things I would subject myself to do for money, and honestly, eating slugs just didn’t come close. As I kept watching I realized that Survivor is actually a lot like college: malnourished but hungry most of the time, little sleep, a lot of drinking things that aren’t good for us, and being forced to complete tasks that seem impossible at first. Here are some of the ways all college students can relate to the hit show Survivor:

20) When the freshmen think college work is going to be like high school work:rodney-suhvivah19) Being so overtired that you just stop making sense anymore:staceysurvivorsleep18) Realizing you have three tests to study for in one night:
DrivuGW17) The feeling you get when they turn on the bar lights, telling you to go home:survivor16) Trying to escape your crush in the dining hall:






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