23 Things Every Senior Should Do Their Last Semester

As the spring semester is set to begin, many seniors are entering their last semester at college. If you are like me, than you are in serious denial. How did those past 3.5 years go so fast? There is no way it’s 2015 already. There is still so much I need to do! Fret not oh mighty senior. You still have one more semester; one more time to go wild and make some of the best memories of your lifetime. The following are some things every second semester senior should do:

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You did it. You made it to your last semester. Through all the classes and tests and projects, you made it to the final semester. Odds are that because you’ve made it this far, there is no way you aren’t graduating (*quiet sobbing*). This is the last time you will get a chance to relax until you retire at age 70. Think about it.

I know, I know. “My professors are assholes, why would I want to get lunch with them?!” Believe it or not, professors have a life outside of “torture,” aka class. A lot of professors are nowhere as bad as they act in a classroom. Many of them actually have some amazing stories and experiences. So take my advice and pick a professor that maybe you didn’t mind so much and ask them to lunch. You’ll be surprised how much you actually enjoy yourself.

Yes I realize it is still winter. I am not saying go out in a parka (for all you northern schools. A hoodie will do for you lucky ones in the south). Wait until springs come and instead of cramming yourself up in that stuffy library. Go find a patch of grass, bring your laptop, and enjoy the fresh air. Fresh air will make you feel much better than the overwhelming library.

Yes I am hereby giving you permission to be “that guy.” Every student has to do it once. When you see that group of toddlers (aka high schoolers) walking with their parents, don’t hesitate to shout some school pride their way. Examples include, “WOOO COME TO (insert school name here)!!!” or “(school mascot)S FOR LIFE!!!” Or you may take the less spirt-filled way and shout some obscene phrases such as, “SEND US YOUR DAUGHTERS!” or “PARTY AT MY HOUSE TONIGHT!” Please use some imagination and don’t forget to go for it. Nothing is lamer than a half scream. Nothing.

You know you how much fun you and your friends have doing nothing but sitting around and judging everyone who walks by. If you have not experience this joy, it is a must-do before you graduate. You and your friends can go sit in the cafeteria, outside, etc. and just watch people that walk by. You will see some “pretty” sights, all while spending some time making memories with friends. There is nothing wrong with that.

Every college has some sort of world going on right outside the campus. Go be a local for a day and visit that park, building, museum, etc. that you never got around to. This way when you talk about your school, you can say more than, “Oh I just drank a lot. My keg stand record was 37 seconds!” Experience some culture. It’ll do you some good.

You’re a second semester senior. There is no reason that you need to constantly compare your work to the kid in class who knows the answer to every fucking question. That kid is usually a dick. You know yourself now to know that you can be smart without having the answer to every question. You will inevitably do really well on some tests, and maybe not-so-hot on the others. That is OKAY. Just be you and forget the others.

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Odds are you or someone you know owns a grill. If not a grill, use a kitchen and pretend. But what better way to enjoy a sunny spring day than day drinking with friends and eating food? I’ll answer that, uhh nothing. Just relax and catch some rays. Lawn games (Kan Jam, cornhole, etc.) are encouraged. As are drinking games. Again, use your imagination.

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We all have them. Those friends you had freshmen year but never see anymore. Maybe you met them in your freshmen dorm hall or in a class. If you never see them now, what do you think will happen when you graduate? Many times, you stopped being friends with these people because you get involved in different clubs, groups, whatever. Take an afternoon and go to dinner with one of these friends. You both have changed since freshmen year, so why not catch up? You never know. Maybe you’ll realize you should have never stopped talking to them.

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There is some sort of over-populated animal on your campus. It could be a squirrel, groundhogs, birds, etc. You know you’ve walked past them and thought, “I bet I could catch that.” Well, now is your chance to prove yourself right (or wrong).

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I know many people have probably already experienced one of these bad boys. However, if you haven’t, it is something you have to do at least once. You don’t want to miss out on an experience like this, especially while you’re still young. Once you get a job and grow older, attempting to stay up past midnight turns into the hardest battle of your life.

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One day, you and your friends take all your furniture and put it on the lawn and spend the day there. Sitting on a couch or chair outside will be strange at first, but after a while you’ll start to wonder how you ever sat outside without one. Feel free to partner this with # 8 and make it a day of food, alcohol, and good times.

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Face it. You’re growing up. It sucks, I know. But sitting around and complaining about that small, insignificant event is a waste of your precious time. 10 years from now, you don’t want to look back and see that all you did for an entire day was complain about this or that. Move on, deal with the problem, and be happy. This advice will be great experience before entering the “real world.”

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Just wake up super early with your friends and go outside and watch the sunrise with your friends. This is extra special if you stay in your PJs (or put some on for those of you who sleep naked. No one wants to wake up to your ass outside their window). Just experience the beauty of the moment with your closest friends.

You know that person. The one who always happens to be in one of your classes every semester. Or maybe you see them out at the bar every Friday, but you have never said a word to them. Finally go introduce yourself. If you see them that often, they clearly have some of the same interests as you. Also past classes make for great talking points if it gets awkward.

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If you haven’t already, make a point to introduce yourself to the president of your school. It may be that you see them on the side walk or at an event. They are the President of a college, so clearly they don’t hate the kids that go there. Presidents love to hear stories from students because it helps them plan for the future and make changes if they are necessary.

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Just do it. Never again will you be in an environment that will allow you to go out and party every night of the week. I strongly suggest syllabus week for this task. You don’t do anything that week and everyone is coming back from home. Perfect time to do it. Make sure you recover properly so you can survive the next night. This could be a week you forget (but in the best possible way).

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Who said that you’re stuck with the friends you have? No one. You never know who you could meet and how much you might actually get along with them. So why not be bold and introduce yourself to someone new? What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like you’ll see them after school if it doesn’t pan out.

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If you are entering your last semester and still don’t know what you are going to do after graduation, you don’t need to panic. However spend your downtime focusing on that instead of worrying about what that one girl wore out last night. Things that seemed to matter the most freshmen year don’t seem that important anymore.

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For one day, just do what you want to do. If that means skipping classes, just do it. This is your last chance to be able to just drop your responsibilities for a day without consequence. If you think you can do that once you have a job, you’re in for a rude awakening. Take advantage and just say “Fuck it.”

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You and your friends just walk around campus and visit every dorm building or townhouse you lived in and take a shot in the room you slept in. Sometimes it involves getting creative, but I have faith you could figure it out. Bonus points for a courtesy shot to the current resident of the room. It’s a great way to feel nostalgic and relive some of the best memories from college.

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When the dreaded day finally comes, wear that cap and gown with your head held high. You made it through 4 of the hardest years of your life. They were also the best years of your life. You are leaving your alma mater with amazing memories and maybe you did just learn something in those pesky things we call “classes.” When you finally here your name called, please do us all a favor and don’t trip. It’s not only embarrassing for you, but for everyone in attendance. Seriously. Just walk.

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When all is said and done, just have fun. It can be all the before mentioned things or none. Just make sure you leave knowing you had the fucking time of your life. When you think you’ll just stay in that one night, don’t. Go out and make some stupidly amazing memories with friends you’ll have for a lifetime. Push your limits for fun this semester. It is the last one you’ll ever have. Don’t leave with any regrets. Or an STD. That shit will follow you.


Kenny Lane

Marist College (Class of 2015)

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