5 Essentials For Walking To Class

When you live off campus (or even in dorms far away from classroom buildings), you find out the hard way that there are a few things needed for that trek to class. Instead of having to figure it on your own, here’s a list so you’ll be prepared!


1. Scent Guard

Especially during summer and fall semesters, walking to class on hot days means a lot of sweat. Even if you used a ton of deodorant beforehand, you might still feel self-conscious about emitting even the slightest bit of BO (or you actually stink, so don’t let your peers suffer). Bring deodorant with you and reapply when you get to your destination. Perfume/cologne works great to mask the smell too.


2. Rain Protection

If you go to any Florida school, you’ll soon find out that the weather is bipolar. Sometimes it pours out of nowhere. (ALWAYS check the weather report!) An umbrella will be your new best friend. If you don’t want to carry around an umbrella, a raincoat works, and don’t forget the rain boots!


3. UV Protection

When the sun is out, you need to be careful. Put on a bit of sunscreen before leaving the apartment/dorm just to be safe. If you don’t have time, at least wear a hat or sunglasses to shield your eyes from the harsh rays.


4. Drink

No, I don’t mean alcohol. I’m talking about water or juice. If you’re sweating on the way to class, you should keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated. It’s also useful for when you’re walking around on campus (during any season) so you don’t have to waste money buying from a vending machine.


5. Assault Protection

For anyone who has paranoid parents, or are themselves scared to walk alone, it’s best to be prepared. A rape whistle or pepper spray might actually make you feel safer, especially if you’re taking night classes. (Hopefully, you never find yourself in a situation where you need these things.)

Senior at University of Florida with a passion for YA novels and my cat, Wilbur! Always looking forward to reuniting with my BFF, Lyssa!

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