5 Fatal Mistakes College Student Make and How to Avoid Them

College should be nothing but parties and fun. You will carry all those radiant memories through life..That is what Hollywood has depicted for us, at least. Every year students manage to encounter the same pitfalls in college and damage their future. Big time. Check out the dangerous top 5 mistakes everyone makes and how to avoid them.

5. Heavy Drinking

Yes, “fun” and “party” are usually synonymous with “buzz”, but heavy drinking can majorly screw your physical and mental health. There’s an actual National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and they are not happy with recent numbers. Consider “lighter” types of spirits. Soda on the rocks, maybe?

4. Posting Overload.

“Sharing is caring” does not apply to live drunk tweets or group nudes on Instagram. Yes, it might sound like a great idea at that moment (ok, not really), but you will definitely regret it later. Plus, everyone around has a phone, a camera and internet access, so play nice.

3. Procrastination

Ahh, sweet pleasure of doing literally anything that doesn’t have a deadline. Leisurely bouncing between Facebook and Snapchat all while binge watching your latest favorite on Netflix. How do you add deadlines into the mix? Start with small steps like 3 to-do’es in your list per day or a 10- minute studying with obligatory reward afterwards. Just do it, you know you’ll be glad you did.

2. Cheating

College students usually think that they are smart enough not to study before an exam or skip the research and downloading that essay right from the first link in the search results. Think again! Ever heard of plagiarism checker? Needless to say that victory loves preparation, but if you’re using a custom writing service for your next essay, pick one with verified customer reviews and guaranteed anonymity. EssayPro, for example, offers academic assistance from PhD writers, so your paper is guaranteed to be well-crafted and plagiarism free.

1. Money Trap

Hell is here and it’s called “a student loan”. Probably the biggest mistakes of ‘em all is not taking your financial future seriously. Don’t buy those sweet talks from bank representatives – of course, they’re happy to give you one more credit card. Start with a basic counseling session and get as much info on the subject as possible. This will give your future a much better advantage than an impressive score in beer pong, trust me. If you were smart enough to read to this point, you’ll be just fine with college. Watch out for those bank representatives, though.

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