5 New Party Themes

As the year goes on we run out of fresh new party ideas and some of the themes get old and you start to hear the complaint “But we did that last year!”. Here are 5 new party themes for your Greek groups (or non Greek groups) to try.

1. Hipster or Homeless? The best part is we all have that one friend we can borrow clothes from and Goodwill is just around the corner. But beware; actual hipsters or homeless people may show up to crash it.

2. Pick a mister for your sister! What could go wrong with a massive blind date party? Mix it up a little and don’t invite everyone’s significant other. Bonus if you turn it into a speed dating drinking game!

3. Sloppy Sundae’s. Yes, sundae’s as in the ice cream type. It is time to bring the food fight back, but with a delicious twist because it is ice cream and toppings.  If there are any extra ingredients at the end you can even eat them! Hint: Powder sugar counts and you can use it as a surprise attack.

4. Fifth and cuffs. You and your date are handcuffed together and you have to finish the fifth before you can unlock yourself because you have to put your key in the bottle! Heavyweight? Hand cuff yourself to a blow up doll instead for maximum drinking potential.

5. Kegs and eggs. You dance all night until it is time to cook so breakfast. Or start in the morning for breakfast and go all day. It is your choice!


Around the world. Each room in the house represents a different country and you serve the drink that that country is famous for. Irish car bombs anyone?

Blue Jean bash. Only denim is allowed, with the exception of your undergarments and shoes of course. Let’s bring back the 90’s with denim on denim on denim!

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