7 Awkward Moments College Students Have During Lecture

Yes, I know that no one is sitting there, but what I am basically asking is, “Are you really going to make me slide across your lap at 9 in the morning?”


What am I going to eat tonight? I want Chipotle food on a Taco Bell budget. I wonder who invented the taco? I bet they didn’t go to college and look at the impact they’ve made on people all over the world. I could do something like that. Mmmm tacos. *Snaps back to reality* And oh my god, I am staring at my professor’s bulge.


That moment when your laptop screen goes black and the person behind you locks eyes with you in your computer screen is cringe-worthy.


Just ignore me while I slowly choke on my water, make disgusting snorts, and yawn incessantly. I also skipped breakfast, so my stomach has decided to make a surprise appearance. But you don’t know hell until you’ve had to hold in a fart or burp. That can really make or break a person.


At the start of each day, I like to check my text messages, voicemails, emails, Instagram, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, yik yak, pinterest, and then repeat (x20). I cant help it that you happen to be teaching while I am doing my daily routine. But it doesn’t get awkward until your teacher makes an announcement about cell phone use during lecture and you slowly slink lower into your seat.


That moment when you definitely haven’t been paying attention in class and someone leans over and asks you to repeat what was just covered on the slide and your just like “wahhhh?”


That absolutely horrifying moment when a teacher asks if anyone has any questions or asks someone to explain a problem. Of course, no one raises their hands because that’s just lame. Then the teacher says “Ok, I’ll wait.” Fifteen minutes of painfully awkward silence has passed and you finally take one for the team…and people still hate you.

University of Kentucky Sophomore
I am not actually that funny. I’m just mean and people think I’m joking.
Part-Time Blogger Extraordinaire & Full-Time Queen Bee
No Ragrets. Not Even One Letter.

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