7 Reasons Why Being a Tour Guide is the Best Campus Job

7 Reasons Why Being a Tour Guide is the Best Campus Job
There's no better way to show your love for your school than by being a tour guide to new prospects and educating them about why your school is the best.

Choosing a college to commit to can be one of the hardest decisions of anyone’s life, so one of the biggest and most important things to do is visit the school and make sure you like the environment. People very rarely commit to a school without visiting it first because it may look good on paper, but it might not be what you want in a learning or living environment. This is where campus tour guides come in!

You may have thought they were just another student on campus, but they actually play a pretty big role from the admissions perspective and can probably be given credit for helping you make your decision. So, from a fellow campus tour guide, here are a ten reasons being a tour guide is the best job on campus (and why you should apply to be one).

7. You know people in basically every major on campus. As a tour guide you have the opportunity to become friends with a number of people from all different majors, minors, hometowns, personal interests, and more! It can also be an asset to you after college because you never know who you may need to call for a favor.


6. The satisfaction you get when you see a student on campus that was previously in your tour group. There’s just something heart-warming about seeing a student on campus that you recognize from your tour. Knowing that you may have helped them find their home for the next four years is great, but seeing them happy and finding out they love where they are just makes it even better. You did good, kid.




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