7 Sleeping Secrets You Should Know To Not Be Tired In The Morning

Waking up on time is always hard, trust me.  I know.  But believe it or not, there are things you can do to help you embrace your inner early bird.

7.  Go to bed earlier.  Going to bed earlier will prevent you from being sleep deprived the next day.  This is the oldest trick in the book since it’s probably the most obvious one.  Try getting everything you need done earlier in the day so that you can get a full night’s rest.


But of course, not everyone has the luxury of being able to go to bed early, so whatever your reason may be for having to stay up late, here are a couple other suggestions.

6.  Have a good attitude about mornings.  This is mainly psychological but if you have a positive attitude about waking up in the morning, you will begin to enjoy mornings more and enjoy being up when the sun is up.  Think of all the positive things about being up early like being able to do more with your day and enjoying the early morning atmosphere.


5.  Have a nutritious breakfast.  Having a good, nutritious breakfast in the morning will give you energy and make you feel ready to take on the day.  Try a cereal with good nutritious values or an organic fruit smoothie.  Avoid the coffee, the caffeine might give you energy at first, but once the caffeine effect wears off, you’ll be back where you started.  Instead, a good smoothie will be good for your body and make you feel good about yourself.


4.  Shower.  A lot of people already have a routine that consists of showering early in the morning but if you don’t, try it.  If you’re one of those people who already do it and it just doesn’t seem to wake you up, then maybe this one isn’t for you but if you don’t regularly shower in the morning, this will be new to your body which means it should help you wake up.


3.  Keep your body moving.  Listen to music to get your body moving, brush your teeth and chew gum to freshen up your mouth, open your windows to let the sun in and make your body want to go outside.  Don’t let your body be tired.  Move around and dance if you have to while getting ready.


2.  Exercise.  A lot of people who go jogging early in the morning before doing what they have to do have a better day.  Exercising in the morning helps you wake up fully, it stimulates your body and it makes you feel good and fit during the day instead of feeling slow and tired.  Exercising with a friend will help you get the day started even more, having conversations will help stimulate your brain.


1.  Wake up with a good attitude.  If you wake up hating life and having the first thought that goes through your head be “Ugh, I do not want to go to class today” then you are going to get up unmotivated which will obviously make you feel more tired.  Instead, as cheesy as it sounds, try waking up with a “Okay, let’s do this.  Time to see what the day has in store for me” attitude.  Having a different attitude is the key to having a productive day.


by Nadya Barba

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