’90s Dating Trends We Should Bring Back Right Now

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Now, if someone slipped you a note in class or with your morning coffee or in line at the supermarket, you’d probably think it was super creepy. But in the ’90s, notes were all the rage when it came to romance. Writing your feelings on a piece of paper and passing it to your crush was the most nerve wracking thing you could do, but it could also be the most rewarding when a note was passed to you. It’s basically just primitive texting, but there’s something very romantic about holding a piece of paper with feelings written on it that you just don’t get from looking at your phone.

How do you decide what to do about your crush these days? Text your friends? Google it? Back in the ’90s we used to make cootie catchers and let them make all the tough decisions. We didn’t always hear what we wanted to, but hey, the suspense of counting as we pinched the paper together waiting to lift a panel and reveal an answer was pretty fun. Also leaving all your big life decisions up to what’s essentially a home made eight ball really takes the stress out of decision making.

Remember when you’d have two, even three hour long conversations with the person you were dating on the phone? And the giddy feeling you’d have when you hung up? Talking on the phone was how you got to know someone between dates in the ’90s, and it was much more personal than texting and social media.

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