10 Reasons Why Game Day Is The Best Day

Some people say, “Thank God It’s Friday.”  I say, “Thank God It’s Saturday.” Not just any kind of Saturdays though. Game Day Saturdays. Nothing beats the excitement and passion that envelops the entire campus when it’s time for your school to represent itself on the gridiron. Here are a few reasons why Saturday Game Days are undefeated in the unofficial Best Day of the Week Contest.

10. The Breakfast

Game day breakfast is not just any kind of breakfast: it’s a feast. I gather a group of my 212 closet friends and chow down on some bagels, donuts, pancakes, coffee, and orange juice at one of our houses. It’s great way to eat a ton of food with great friends and get pumped up for the day’s football contest.


9. The Attire

As you age, wearing sports jersey becomes less and less appropriate. In elementary school, wearing them to school everyday was cool. In middle school, wearing them twice a week maximum was cool. In high school, you were viewed as a hardcore jock, which can be construed positively or negatively. On game days in college, wearing jerseys are not only the norm, but encouraged. For guys, it shows extreme fandom and general camaraderie. For girls, it shows extreme fandom and provides a new, cute look.  Wearing jerseys is the greatest. Game days are the greatest.






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