22 Reasons Why Your Best Friends At College Are Awesome (2)

11. They never judge you- They don’t care who you made out with at the party, or if your outfit looks bad. Or if the girl who cat-fished you is totally ugly. They will be totally honest and never judge you for you wanting to be you! (half the time they’ve been in the same position)

10. It’s never awkward- There is never a dull moment, things don’t get boring or weird. You can sit in silence for more than two hours doing homework and never feel uncomfortable. Even if you hook-up with your guy/girl friend, it’s not even awkward the next day.

9. Always want to go out- They’re always willing to go out and party! Never a dull moment with your clan of friends.
8. They’re always there for you- These friends will be there for you all hours of the night and day. Cherish these people because you won’t find anyone else like them.

7. Always a room a way- You always have a close friend who is only a door or two away, whether you’re living in dorms, houses, suites, or apartments.. Someone is always around for you.

6. New memories- You make new memories that last forever, and you can share later in life.

5. They get you into new things- They get you to try new foods from their hometown, a new video game, or a new store. They make you go out of your comfort zone to try new things.

4. Always want to adventure- They always are willing to go on nature walks, runs, and explore the city and see new things.giphy

3. Different personalities- High School had cliques, forget about them! You meet so many friends with different personalities that you forget what cliques are.

2. Different types of advice- Your friends always have opinions, and they are almost never the same. Different personalities will give you different advice. You get to see sides from a majority of ways.

1. They don’t know your past- They don’t know what you did before college, nor do they care! They like you for the fun, loving, outgoing person that you are!