10 GIFs That Describe Payday (2)

5. When you still have to search for some spare change. Sometimes one paycheck isn’t enough anymore. Just because you got paid doesn’t mean you get to stop searching for some spare change.


4. When you cash in your paycheck and have tons of bills in your wallet. It definitely feels great to have a wallet full of cash, but just like in the movies you might want to just take the cash and dance with it. You might as well celebrate the fact that you actually have money, at least celebrate while it lasts.


3. When you finally get to buy the thing you’ve been chasing after. Sometimes if you’re lucky you may have some extra cash from this paycheck to buy whatever you want. You know there is a few things you’ve been lusting after so you might as well buy them while you have the money!


2. When you have the urge to just throw bills everywhere (and maybe roll in them). They say money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you things that make you temporarily happy (i.e. concert tickets, clothes, food, etc.). You might have the urge to just throw it around and roll in it, but you really shouldn’t because that’s unsanitary.


1. When you finally get to get back at the people who made fun of you for not having money. Your friends made fun of you when you said you only had $1.00 in your bank account, but at least you finally have some money. It may not last long, but you can at least gloat while it lasts.
