An Open Letter From All Of The Gilmore Girl Fans

By now we have all heard that there is going to be a mini revival of Gilmore Girls and I need answers.  I need to know where Jess is and what happened with Luke and Lorelai and how Kirk is doing.  I want to see how Rory’s time on the campaign trail went and if Babette ever got a new cat (yes that really does matter to me).  Now I know I can’t be the only person craving these answers, and many more. And while we will be sincerely missing Mr. Richard Gilmore, I’m sure I speak for every fan when I say this reboot was some of the best news ever received.

(Not to mention, the Palladino duo are the ones writing and directing these four episodes.)

So to the Palladino duo:

Thank you so much for this.  Gilmore Girls has given everyone more life lessons then we know what to do with, or even realize we have been given.  Every mother-daughter pair, group of best friends, and couple can relate to at least one scene in this show.  You have taught us that coffee fixes everything, you don’t need an exact plan because everything will work itself out by the end, and your friends are only true friends if they feed you pizza behind your mother’s back.  I guess that sometimes a television show can teach you more than you ever thought possible.

I would also like to say “thank you” because we now know that the beloved Paul Anka is going to be making a comeback.  And while we don’t know the entire revival cast yet, I can confidently say I already love the names I am seeing.

This show has brought my mother and I closer every single time we watch it, which is at least six times all the way through already.  We laugh, cry, and probably quote the episodes more than we use our own words.

So we will sit here very patiently and wait for the release of the follow-up to our beloved television show.  Okay well sort of patiently…as patiently as we can…while also checking for updates on the mini season every other hour or so.

Oh, and lastly: Oy with the poodles already!