11 Texts You’ll Only Understand if You Have a Sister (2)

5. “You won’t believe what I heard mom saying on the phone”

No one understands the family drama better than your sister. When something happens, you always have someone to share it with that totally understands what you’re talking about.

4. “Are you okay?”

And no one is going to have your back when you have a bad day the way that your sister does.

3. “Shut the hell up I’m trying to sleep.”

But sometimes, she’s needs to take it down a notch.

2. “Cover me if mom asks.”

If there is anything that sisters are for, it’s for keeping you out of trouble. They’re awesome for helping with a parental alibi.

1. “Love you!”

Some days the two of you want to kill each other, but you know that you’d be lost without her. Sometimes you have to let her know.


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