20 Alternate Ways to Show Someone You Appreciate Them (4)

7. Post about them on social media. Today’s technology makes it easy to give a quick shoutout to anyone you love especially with hashtags like #wcw and #mcm on Instagram. It only takes a few minutes to do and it’ll last forever.


6. Support their passions. If they’re in an acapella group or a play then go watch them perform. If they’re featured in an art exhibit then make sure you pay it a visit. If they’ve just made a breakthrough in their major then ask them to demonstrate it and/or explain it to you.


5. Keep your promises to them. If you promised them that you would take them to their first concert, then make sure you do it. If you promised you’d buy them a drink if they went out with you, then buy them a drink. Even if it’s later than you planned, just make sure it gets done.


4. Be there for them in times of need. If they have a cold then bring them some soup or tea. If they just got broken up with then bring chocolate and chick flicks or go out for a drink. If they lost a loved one then be their shoulder to cry on. No matter what is, just always be there for them.
