Attention Fellow Drinkers: These Are All Drinking Myths

Everyone knows at least a handful of myths about drinking. There is a long list of drinking rules and tips, but most of them are not true. The words and tips that you’ve been living by, may not actually be helping you. So enjoy your night and don’t worry about what rules you have to listen to, because these following drinking rules are all myths.

10. Eating before you drink will keep you sober – Even though the food will absorb the alcohol in your stomach, it only slows down the alcohol going into your bloodstream, it does not prevent it.

9. You can trick a breathalyzer – Sucking on a battery, cigarette, or mint won’t trick a breathalyzer test. These will never work, because breathalyzers don’t measure alcohol by scent.

8. Beer before liquor, never been sicker; liquor before beer, you’re in the clear – The types of drinks you mix and the order you drink them, have a lot less of an effect than how much you actually drink.  

7. Different alcohols effect your behavior differently – Everyone has a “F***-it” drink. It’s the type of alcohol, that if you start drinking it, you know something crazy will happen. This isn’t true at all. The only thing about that alcohol that will effect you, is the psychological expectations of the drink. (i.e. Tequila!!)

6. Pickle juice, coffee, and more drinking will cure a hangover – Although these might give you a sudden jolt, the only true cure is time. Nothing you do will speed up the process of your liver disposing the alcohol.


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