The 11 Stages of Pulling an All-Nighter for That Paper You Ignored (2)

Panic Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, dear God, no. You’ve just killed two hours not doing your assignment. Even worse, you’re out of coffee! Not good. NOT good. Renewed Determination Stop freaking out! You still


The 11 Stages of Pulling an All-Nighter for That Paper You Ignored (3)

More Distractions! Look, you sat down to start working on this project hours ago. You can’t be expected to just work nonstop. You’re not a robot! You find yourself slowly drifting toward your Twitter icon…


The 11 Stages of Pulling an All-Nighter for That Paper You Ignored (4)

Lack-of-Sleep High As the clock passes 3:30am, you begin to lose touch with reality. Time means nothing and freedom is an illusion. Somehow even adjusting the font of your title sends you into a fit