An Open Letter To My Grandparents

To My Amazing Grandparents, I just want to start of by saying thank you for all of the love you have shown me.  Neither of you ever get as much praise as you should; as


The 10 Reasons Having A Dog Is The Greatest

I am the type of person who could go on for hours about dogs if you let me.  However, I figured I should probably limit myself to the following 10 reasons why having a dog


The 10 Reasons Having A Dog Is The Greatest (2)

5) You have a cuddle buddy all the time. 4) They aren’t cats…cats are jerks. 3) Dogs always know how to make you smile. 2) They are a living vacuum. 1) The unconditional love between


The 8 Things I’d Rather Be Doing Than Sitting In This Lecture

We all have that class that would literally rather do anything except sit through.  Here are eight, of the many, things you would probably rather be doing than sitting through that lecture. 8) Watching Netflix. 7)


The 7 Reasons Why Naps are Bae

Napping is a favorite past time for most people.  Here at University Primetime we happen to share that same love.  Here are seven, of about a million, reasons why naps are bae. 7) You can


The 7 Reasons Why Naps are Bae (2)

4) Not feeling so great? Gift yourself a nap! 3) Naps allow for some midday cuddling time. 2) Taking a nap has actually been shown to boost productivity and creativity! 1) They are a nice


10 Reasons You Need To Be Excited For Thanksgiving

Now that the amazing holiday of Halloween is over the next thing to look forward to is Thanksgiving!  Here are ten reasons why you need to be excited for Thanksgiving: 10) You are finally done


10 Reasons You Need To Be Excited For Thanksgiving (2)

5) The annual Thanksgiving day parade. 4) You get to hangout with your family, pets, and friends. 3) You still have time to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. 2) Super Black Friday and Cyber Monday


The 6 Reasons Why Breakfast Really Is The Best Meal

There’s no point in arguing that breakfast is indeed the best meal you can ever have in a day, or throughout the day if you choose. You can have it in the morning, lunch, and dinner.


The 6 Reasons Why Breakfast Really Is The Best Meal (2)

3) There is something so satisfying about a warm stack of pancakes. 2) The smell of bacon in the morning. 1) Ooey-Gooey cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven.