First Day of College Anxieties

Either you have them cur­rently or remem­ber hav­ing them. Either way, we all were ner­vous when we first began col­lege only to quickly learn that it’s not nearly as scary as it seems. Here are some of the biggest anx­i­eties of incom­ing freshmen.

1. Mem­o­riz­ing your sched­ule and mak­ing it to class on time.

2. Get­ting lost on cam­pus but afraid of look­ing dumb car­ry­ing around a huge cam­pus map.

3. Know­ing that you’ll even­tu­ally have to face the most awful two words; final exams.

4. Sleep­ing through class.

5. Fig­ur­ing out how to use your stu­dent card to get food.

6. Tak­ing the right sup­plies to class (which by the way, just a note­book, pen/pencil, and a copy of the syl­labus is totally necessary).

7. Real­iz­ing you went to the wrong class­room… maybe even the wrong building.

8. Eat­ing alone in the din­ing hall.

9. Not get­ting along with your roommate.

10. Won­der­ing how to get invited to parties.

11. Hav­ing to deal with the awk­ward ice breaker activ­i­ties set up by your RA.

12. Won­der­ing if you should carry a back pack, a tote bag, or just books in hand.


If you’re an incom­ing fresh­man and are wor­ried about any of these things just take a deep breath! We’ve all been there, and there are plenty of upper­class­men trans­fer stu­dents deal­ing with some of the same anx­i­eties. Col­lege can get hard, but it’s not scary. These are the best 4 years of our lives.


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