Freshman 15, Not So Real After All

In my opinion, people must TRY to get the Freshman 15. It’s not so hard to knock off the weight.
-Walking to all your classes or biking is an EXTREMELY easy way to lose the calories from those CheezIts you snacked on while studying or that greasy pizza from the dining hall.
-You most likely have a gym on campus… You aren’t paying for a membership; it’s free because you’re a student. Make a trip there once in a while and work off all the drinks from the night before.
-There’s so many choices. You aren’t forced to eat fattening meals everyday. There’s salads at the dining halls and healthier food choices on and off campus. You picking up that greasy burger every day is just letting yourself down and making yourself have to work THAT much harder to get back in shape.
-Lastly, you have a lot of extra time. Just squeeze in a quick run instead of binge watching Netflix. Your classes are farther apart and you don’t have to stay in your room 24/7. Go outside and get some exercise, it’s really not that hard. Or even join an intramurals team that interests you. It’s not a huge time commitment, but you still get the work out that you need.
It’s easier than you think, just make the choices that help your body. You can have days with greasy food and Netflix, just balance them out with days of nutrition and fitness. Then you could even get the Freshman -15.

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