How to “Gym” Correctly

So you started the semester with one goal in mind: go to the gym more than last semester. (Which means go more than once) You put on your gym clothes, grab a water bottle from the fridge and you’re off. Then you get there and realize you forgot your sneakers… or does that only happen to me? Anywaaaaays


If you go before your 10a.m. class– First of all, good for you because most people would choose to sleep in. Second of all, you will be surrounded by all of the hardcore gym goers. Who else would get up before class to workout? I’ve never gone to the gym before class so I can’t tell you what type of people you will see, but I’m sure they take the gym very seriously. Especially this early in the morning.


12p.m.-4p.m.– Good luck. Most commuters go to the gym during this time, unless they’re in class of course. Chances are there will be people everywhere, and not enough machines open. You might even see the kid from your Econ class workin’ on his fitness aka scoping out all the girls wearing spandex.


4p.m.-7p.m.- Usually it’s not as busy because most people head over to the dining hall for dinner, but I’m sure you want to eat dinner too. So go to the gym and eat light or don’t go at all I guess? On the plus side, there will be an open cubby to put your jacket and sweatpants in!!


7p.m.-9p.m.– During this time the gym could be confused for the zoo. People are everywhere. Are you trying to avoid your awkward Saturday night hookup? Have fun. There’s an 85% chance you’ll walk into the gym and he’ll be standing right there in his cutoff t-shirt. Are you trying to casually “run” into that girl you like? Well the odds might be in your favor because there’s also an 85% chance she’ll be there running on the treadmill listening to, “Stronger” by Kanye West.


After 9p.m– Debatably the best time to go to the gym because you’ll actually be able to find an open machine. So stop being lazy, get dressed, and go. You have to work off all the alcohol you drank last weekend anyways, why not start now?


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